Question about masking

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Question about masking

Post by gsaum »

I have a few questions about masking. I'm working on a Reliant kit, and I'm to the point where I'm working on the finishing. Masking and painting has always been my weakness and I'm in need of some pointers. For instance: how does one go about masking circles? I've never had a problem masking straight angles. But curves and circles always throw me off. Also, what's the best type of masking material to use? I've been using a combination of blue painter's tape and modelers masking tape. I've also started experimenting with liquid mask, which I can't say I'm terribly fond of.

So what do the pros use?
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Post by Kylwell »

Tamiya tape is still the best for masking tape. Yes, it costs more but it's just plain incredible tape.

You can use an Olfa circle cutter for larger circles & a MiroMark Punch & Die for the really tiny things.

For freehand curves I'll lay out some of the wide Tamiya tape on my cutting mat and using a new #11 Excel blade cut the shape. If I need to adjust the curve further on the model I'll use finer strips of tape worked into place.
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