Page full of painting ideas and tricks

This is the place to get answers about painting, weathering and other aspects of finishing a model.

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Page full of painting ideas and tricks

Post by sbaxter »

I stumbled across this page chock-full of mostly painting-related ideas while searching for something else. Some of these will be old hat to many of us, and some might not work as easily in practice as the page makes it sound, but some were brand-new to me, are quite intriguing and seem promising. One other note -- before you go too far down the page, you'll see some topics start to repeat. That continues down the rest of the page, but it isn't a "loop" -- new stuff can be found all the way to the bottom. I'd guess most of us would find at least one new thing here we might want to try …

Some of the things that were new to me were the idea of using a sander as a paint shaker (although further down the page there's an admonishment to stir paint rather than shake it), as well adding a small amount of liquid cement to paint when applying to plastic which seems to resist forming a bond with paint. ... nting.aspx


“The entire concept of pessimism crumbles the moment one human being puts aside thoughts of self and reaches out to another to minister to her suffering. The experience of either person can neither be denied nor adequately explained by a negative philosophy.”
-- Michael J. Nelson, Mike Nelson's Mind over Matters
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