SGCSG1 wrote:I'm looking for recommendations on thinner ratio and PSI for the Tamiya clears.
Generally I thin Tamiya acrylic paint 2 parts paint to 1 part thinner and spray about 18 psi.
But people are suggesting thinning the clears 50/50 or even 20/80 (paint to thinner).
Any suggestions on using these?
I can't tell you the mixture for Tamiya clear coat - I use Future for gloss and Liquitex matte for flat. But, I can recommend how you can find out. Go get some plastic, disposable spoons and give them a quick cleaning with Windex or alcohol. Airbrush their undersides the smoothest, blackest black you can and allow them to cure. Then, start out at 50/50 and see how the clearcoat airbrushes over the black spoon at say 20PSI. Dump out mixture and try again at 60/40, then repeat at 30/70 and so on until you get smooth clear coats with minimal frosting. This is how I add entries to my Paint Bible. Though it's time consuming, it is worth it in the long run.
I shoot clearcoats at 20-to-22 PSI with success. For me, the biggest concern, even with Slow-Dri and Flow-Aid is the
distance from the target. Too far, and your clearcoat frosts but if you're too close, you can get puddling or softening of the color coats.
I hope this helps a bit.