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Iron Modelers, Assemble!

Posted: Mon May 27, 2024 6:27 pm
by onezero
Greetings, Champions!

And sorry this late - but I wanted to wait 'til almost the last minute to confirm Iron Modeler team registrations because they keep coming in. We have room for 16 teams max - 2 teams at a table - and as of right this second (this second, not a later one when you are reading this missive) we have 13 confirmed teams. If you make it to Wonderfest, and don't suddenly develop "other plans" (buck-AWK!), your spot is reserved:

Team Name:

Team Scale Icons
Bearded Bros
Grumpy Old Modelers
Big Dawg
First Contact
The Heebie Greeblies
The B Team
Three names in a hat
Rebel Scum
The Family Guy 2.0

A few questions have arisen. I should address them:

IM starts at 6pm. We need time to reconfigure the room and get stuff set up - so please, give it to us. We'll open the doors at 5:50pm (latest). Every seat in the house is the best seat so you don't need to fight for a particular spot.

Schedules/plans change and you may find yourself missing folks you thought would be there. Teams are limited to 3 people. You must have more than 1. You may find yourself assigned to fill out a short team or accept a singleton to fill your ranks. The goal is to have as many folks participate as may reasonably be accommodated. Please help us meet that goal.

The "entry fee" is something to dump on the parts table. Whatever it is, it must be enough to reasonably make a contestant with. We realize some folks are flying in and so have limited room. Minimum should be what will fit in a shoe box. Yes, you may contribute sheet styrene and/or sprues - subject to the stipulation previous. Please don't be an ass and bring a trailer full of crap - no more than a banker's box is perfectly OK.

Whatever you bring, make sure it's clean. (all y'all would NOT believe how many people drag every scrap they've ever found after waking up in a ditch after a night of too too many Tequila Fanny-Bangers, or what was under a tarp behind the shed at their last rental). 'nuff said.

You don't get to keep any materials you bring for yourself (actually, "hoarding" is pretty much the only way to be disqualified. In 20-ish years, no-one has ever been disco-ed. You really don't want to be the first, do you?). Note - we're talking about parts, not tools. Share your tools if you want to, or not.

There will be limited house-power available, so you are strongly encouraged to bring battery-operated toys. tools.

If you feel the need to grind down a chunk of resin or plastic the size of your head to make a part the size of your xxxx pinkie, please take it outside to the parking lot. None of the rest of us need to inhale that. Thank you in advance.

Paints (provided by TAG-Team Hobbies, so make sure to stop by their booth and say "thanks") and airbrushes (again, thanks to Tom @TAG Team) will be available for painting your masterpieces. If you feel the need to rattle-can, take that outside (rattle-can inside is the other way to get disco-ed). TAG will give a "safety brief" at the start - please pay attention, because their generously loaned tools are exquisite machinery and not inexpensive.

I see a bunch of new names, and a bunch of familiar names on this list - and I can't wait to see y'all in the Elliot Room this weekend!