I would like to know how can I archieve panel lines when there is no lines scribed in the model, something like these.
Is it airbrushed? pastels?. Some special technique??
Any tip would be very helpful... Thanks in advance
I perfer the pastel technique, it's faster & easier with one exception. You've got to plan ahead. If you lay the post-it note down where you've already smeared pastel it'll peel at least some of it up.
But, if you really need ot you can hit it with some artists fixative.
Looks really good. you should ck out The art work of Makoto Kobyashi.
It's in ssm links under (other). some photos in there of ships with painted panel lines - awesome
I guess this particular section doesn't get a ton of traffic. In the General Sci-fi section it seems like things fall of the edge of the earth after a week, which is kind of a shame...
I agree! It's a shame because, I have to dig through tons of threads,and posts to find something I'm looking for like this one. Then there are the ones that I see,and no one has replied to,but they're months,or even YEARS old! I replied for nothing!