Never again

The Travelling Model Project is back! Talk about it here.

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Never again

Post by Scotaidh »

I'm starting to understand 1/0's reluctance to start group-participation builds. I hate to say "You guys suck wind", but ... dang.

I know that at least some of you who did this build went to WF this year - someone had to take the blessed models.

I know everyone on the planet except me has a phone with a camera in it.

I have asked - why did I have to ask, aren't you lot proud of what you helped build? - for pictures of the results.

I deliberately kept quiet for a decent interval to allow folks to get home and sorted out after the big trip. I asked, on this forum and on the WF2016 one, for pictures of the Traveling Model II entrants.

Nothing. Zilch. Not so much as the ghost of an ant's whisper.

I realize that people have Life. Psst! I have, too.


I've also seen that a number of folks have posted pictures of everything at WF from the number on their room's door to the fuzz on the table-cloths - but nothing of the Traveling Model builds.

Meh. Someone else can push the next one.
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Post by Lonewolf »

I haven't posted anything yet, because I've been up to my butt with work and family stuff (including a court hearing regarding permission to sell my parents' condo) since I got back. I've been gone on vacation for the past week camping with my wife and daughters and haven't even been near a computer. Heck, all my WonderFest stuff is still packed up because I haven't even had time to look at any of it! :oops:

And since just before WonderFest, my wife and I have been jumping through all the FHA hoops so we can buy a new house. We got the word late yesterday afternoon, while we were still camping, that all the conditions had been cleared by underwriting and we're cleared to close this coming Friday, after being in limbo for almost three weeks.

I finally had a chance to get photos downloaded off my phone just before we left on vacation, and I'll try to get them uploaded this weekend. In all honesty, aside from The Lake Effect, I have no idea if any other models made it to WonderFest. I scrambled and got her done in time, and was actually applying decals to the model in our hotel room on Friday night in Louisville.
Captain Pike: Don't make me laugh.
Commander Burnham: Fortunately for you, I was raised on Vulcan. We don't do funny.
Captain Pike: Ha! (ouch)
Commander Burnham: Maybe I should just shut up.

Math Problem: Sam has 100 model kits, Frank takes 10 model kits ... what does Sam have?
Answer: 100 model kits and a corpse.
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Post by Scotaidh »

Lonewolf, I apologize. My rant was never directed toward you, and I should have made that clear. I remember your posts from before WF (and had them in my mind even as I ranted) and I know you have way more LIFE to deal with than most of us ever have.

Congrats on your house! :) I hope you and yours will be happy in your new home - I know it was a huge load off my mind when I bought this house, to realize that I am never moving again - no more packing, no more "first, last, & deposit", no more moving damage to my models. :)

Once again, my condolences on your parents' situation, and the resultant load on you and your wife. I hope you can get everything resolved painlessly, and with minimum disruption to everyones' lives.

My words were directed at the 11 or so other people who did this build, specifically the ones who did go to WF - I know at least two did, although I don't know who they were.

The reasons I go to WF are 1) Iron Modeler, 2) Make-n-take, and 3) to see the non- canon builds - the scratchbuilds, the What-ifs, the original bashes, and to appreciate the humour, intelligence, and off-centre thinking behind them. While I appreciate the skills - and envy them - applied to things such as Trek ships, for example, to me they're all "pretty much of a muchness," as an English writer once put it.

It is also nice to re-meet the few folks I actually know - but so many of them I met once and have never seen again, that I can't make that a reason to go. (The only reason I don't go is $$. :( ) Heck, "my" IM team, Styrene Psychosis, has only managed to be there once, IIRC.

I can't imagine pouring heart and soul into something, putting in all the pains to safely transport said thing to the expense of a convention, and to not then proudly display the thing in company of the others from the challenge/build-theme. Why even go? I cannot wrap my mind around that mind-set.

So I made a point of taking pictures of all the Travelling Models, the previous time we had those. Everyone who took part in that, and there were a lot of them, was proud of their work. It seemed to me that this time no-one could be bothered to gather the models in one place for comparison and pictures, and no-one has posted any pictures of them, so far as I know. I'm not one to scroll through endless Photobucket series of pics - it takes far too long, for one thing - without knowing beforehand that what I want to see is there.

So I ranted, but I never, ever aimed that at you. Once again, I'm sorry I didn't make that clear. and that you picked up on it. I will say, though, that you are the only one to respond to these posts I made. That tells me that no-one else gives a toss - and re-enforces my determination to never, ever do this again. :)

Tell me - do you have both models? If so, do you want them? If not, I'd like to have them - I'll put them next to Grabthar's Hammer. I live in RI, so let me know how much $$ for shipping, and I will take them off your hands. PM me your address, and I will send you a money order, or I could PayPal you.

Before I forget - Thank-you for the effort you put into this thing. I hope it was fun enough to be worth it. Regardless, though - thanks. I know it was not easy.
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Post by Lonewolf »

Not a problem! I just wish I'd had more time to get additional work done on The Lake Effect to "spruce her up" a bit more. It was fun, and presented a few challenges in scratchbuilding a canopy to fit a curved surface.

But I enjoyed the experience and would participate again, if we could ever get it to work out. It's essentially a multi-month Iron Modeler, and I have participated in (I think) almost Iron Modeler every time I've been at WonderFest. Cydonia and I figured out that we've been at 8 of 11 WonderFests since our first trip in 2005. I think IM started in 2006. I know I missed 2007 because that's when my family came with me to the event and my wife ended up in the hospital on Saturday night. 2008 was the year we were at the Expo Center and we all came out of IM to a parking lot full of broken bottles courtesy of rejected American Idol wannabes. So . . .

2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, (didn't attend WF in 2011 or 2012), 2013, 2014, (year off in 2015), 2016. Seven years of participation, so far.

I have The Lake Effect, but the last info I have about the Bacqatcha is from back in October '15 when ignatz acknowledged he'd received her when I shipped her out to him.

If you can wait until I get moved, I can send The Lake Effect to you. It's currently boxed and awaiting shipment to our new house, along with a bunch of my WonderFest stuff. Send me a PM with your mailing address and I'll get her shipped out after we get settled.
Captain Pike: Don't make me laugh.
Commander Burnham: Fortunately for you, I was raised on Vulcan. We don't do funny.
Captain Pike: Ha! (ouch)
Commander Burnham: Maybe I should just shut up.

Math Problem: Sam has 100 model kits, Frank takes 10 model kits ... what does Sam have?
Answer: 100 model kits and a corpse.
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Post by Blappy »

Whut? I just saw this thread. :shock:

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Post by Blappy »

OK I went back and read everything.

My groups models are not done. As a matter of fact they are sitting here still. :(

Priorities suck sometimes.

"In the universe, space travel may be the normal birth pangs of an otherwise dying race. A test. Some races pass, some fail."
- Robert A. Heinlein

Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain lurking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space.
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Post by raser13 »

Team mid west is not complete. M3 has it right now. He said he's going to fire it back up soon.
i love it when a plan comes together
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