dumb painting question

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dumb painting question

Post by jpolacchi »

Is there a difference between using your typical "off the hardware shelf" lacquer thinner to your maybe... "higher quality grade automotive lacquer thinner" for thinning out acrylic lacquers, or are they just one in the same? The only difference being that the automotive lacquer thinners having maybe a retarder added to them or some other specialized use to enhance spraying? I may see if I can get this stuff and maybe other solvents if I can buy from this seller?
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Re: dumb painting question

Post by Wug »

Hardware store lacquer thinner is different from acrylic lacquer thinner.

For example, you can thin Mr. Surfacer with hardware store lacquer thinner. However seams and things you think you sanded smooth might reappear.

When you use Mr. Thinner it covers perfectly without that problem.

It's easy to find out what's in a product. Put the name of the product and "safety data sheet" into your favorite search engine.

You'll find differences between different brands of hardware store lacquer thinners.

https://content.interlinebrands.com/pro ... _SDS_E.pdf

https://www.safety-kleen.com/sites/g/fi ... 11-19a.pdf

After way too much time I still can't find a SDS for Mr. Thinner.

On a SDS, the lower the number the more dangerous a chemical is. One is the most dangerous.
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Re: dumb painting question

Post by jpolacchi »

I'm not so concerned about the toxicity of lacquer thinner, although I'm not looking to find something that is going to give me cancer after I use it. I know the stuff is bad to breath and a charcoal filter is necessary. I'm looking for something that will produce good finished results, so really more performance driven. I know Mr. Thinner is made for a line of lacquers, but I don't even think I can get them here. I have found them on EVIL :evil: BAY, but they are pricey. The thinner I think you can get in its largest volume is a pint? I'm not sure? I think it was 2500ml or something like that? I know I can use an automotive acrylic lacquer thinner, but I'd be using it with paints it wasn't formulated for. I don't think that would necessarily be a problem and I know the automotive stuff has retarders in it and other chemicals to improve or perfect finishes, but it is also much more expensive. I'm hoping a general purpose lacquer thinner will suffice, but I'd be willing to try using Mr. Thinner. I believe even it has a retarder in it among other chemicals for spraying nice surface finishes, but again I'd be using something it wasn't formulated to and you don't get very much of it. Some EVIL :evil: BAY sellers may not ship it. I'm not sure? I can't get a good acrylic lacquer thinner in CA as well as other solvents I am in need of which is killing me along with the cost of what shipping will be.
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