Here is a video of my bench test:
Here is a tutorial on the Shadow Bussard construction:
The colors of the bussards and animation look better in real life, but the video gives you an idea of what I am going for.
Here is the parts list for the Shadow Bussards:
1) Arduino compatible board 5volt 16Mhz
2) Adafruit NeoPixel LED Side Light Strip - Black 120 LED PRODUCT ID: 3634
3) 1 ea 1000uf capacitor and 1 ea 470 Ohm resistor for LED strip power hook-up (per Adafruit's Neopixel tutorial)
4) 120VAC to 5VDC/2 amp power adapter
5) JT-Graphics Bussard Collectors Part# JTR-033 (I have also tried the DLM bussard collectors and they look good too.)
*Note: The original nacelle caps can be used by cutting off the domes and replacing them with 7/8" (22.2mm) Clear domes from KitKraft part#303851.
The Neopixel strip is cut into two segments of 19 LED's each. Three leads are soldered to one end of each segment. On each segment two of these leads are for positive and negative power with the third lead being for data (as per Adafruit's Neopixel tutorial). The Arduino uses just one pin to send data to both segments. These segments are then rolled to fit within the nacelles, hot glued on the back side to keep shape, then placed one segment per nacelle.
With this set-up you now have 19 LED's in each nacelle that are individually addressable (you can control color, brightness, and speed of animation) all within the Arduino sketch.
After placing the Neopixel rolls in each nacelle, I ground out the center of the JT-Graphics bussard caps so that the LED's could shine through it. I used the top parts of the Paragraphix photoetch rotors and placed them inside the bussard caps. The rotors need to be placed back about 1/8 inch from the inner surface of the bussard domes so that the shadow is cast on the inside of the domes. You can play with the distances of the rotors to dome to find the best look. A light sanding of the inside of the domes with 220 grit sand paper frosted the domes enough for me.
The Arduino sketch I used is a modified TheaterChase animation combined with a running light sketch provided by Ross Waddell. To add the running light feature to the TheaterChase sketch required the removal of the timing delays used by Adafruit's stock Neopixel TheaterChase sketch. You will have to download the following libraries to your Arduino IDE program:
1) Adafruit Neopixel library. Instructions found here: ... stallation
2) LEDfader and Curve library found here:
After installing the libraries just select the code below, right click and copy it. Then paste it in an Arduino sketch.
Code: Select all
#include <Curve.h> // Part of library below; helps make fade in/out more smooth
#include <LEDFader.h> // Library used to fade running lights LEDs without using delay()
#define FADE_TIME_RUN_LTS 125 // Number sets speed of running lights fade up and down
LEDFader ledRunLts;
#define LED_RUN_LTS_PIN 10
const int LED_RUN_LTS_ON_DUR = (1500 - FADE_TIME_RUN_LTS*2); // Running lights time on in milliseconds
// This takes into account the fade in/down time
const int LED_RUN_LTS_OFF_DUR = 500; // Running lights time off in milliseconds
boolean ledRunLtsState = HIGH;
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#define PIXELSPIN 6 // Output pin on Arduino for Neopixel data
#define NUMPIXELS 19 // Number of pixels in a segment
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIXELSPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
unsigned long pixelsInterval=110; // Speed of TheaterChase higher # means slower
unsigned long theaterChasePreviousMillis=0;
int theaterChaseQ = 0;
uint16_t currentPixel = 0;// what pixel are we operating on
void setup() {
currentPixel = 0;
pixels.begin(); // This initializes the NeoPixel library.; // This sends the updated pixel color to the hardware.
ledRunLts = LEDFader(LED_RUN_LTS_PIN);
void loop () {
unsigned long ms = millis();
if ((unsigned long)(millis() - theaterChasePreviousMillis) >= pixelsInterval) {
theaterChasePreviousMillis = millis();
theaterChase(pixels.Color(65, 15, 5)); // Base color of bussards
//Theatre-style crawling lights.
void theaterChase(uint32_t c) {
for (int i=0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i+theaterChaseQ, c); //turn every third pixel on
if (i+theaterChaseQ==13) {pixels.setPixelColor(13, 0, 0, 60); // set pixel #13 to blue in animation
if (i+theaterChaseQ==9) {pixels.setPixelColor(9, 0, 40, 0); // set pixel #9 to green pixel in animation
for (int i=0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i=i+3) {
pixels.setPixelColor(i+theaterChaseQ, 0); //turn every third pixel off
if(theaterChaseQ >= 3) theaterChaseQ = 0;
void blinkLED_Run_Lts(unsigned long currentTime)
Function has parameter (unsigned long currentTime) to determine if it's now time to blink on or off the LED.
In this case, rather than simply turn on or off the LED a fade is initiated using LEDFader. But, LED will not
turn off or on again until the specified time has elapsed.
Returns: nothing
static unsigned long msLast1;
if (currentTime - msLast1 >= (ledRunLtsState ? LED_RUN_LTS_ON_DUR : LED_RUN_LTS_OFF_DUR)) {
ledRunLtsState = !ledRunLtsState;
if(ledRunLtsState == HIGH)
// Fade up
ledRunLts.fade(255, FADE_TIME_RUN_LTS); // Number sets brightness of running lights
// Fade down
ledRunLts.fade(0, FADE_TIME_RUN_LTS);
msLast1 = currentTime;
Forgive me if the code is a bit clunky as I am still new to the Arduino programming.
Feel free to use this info for private use. I will keep you updated as I progress.